Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Top 10 Rules of Always Being Happy

Top 10 Rules of Always Being Happy
1. Be Happy
2. Always Smile
3. Be Positive
4.  Never think Negative
5. Always Find the Positive Side 
6. Make Jokes
7. Have Fun
8. Enjoy Life
9. Don't let People kill your Vibe
10. Be Open Minded

These rules are for anyone who wants to be a happy person. When applying these rules you will see that people will treat you differently and you will talk to more people. You will noticed that you will enjoy life and always be laughing. 

Class Evaluation

Class Evaluation
1. Things I liked about this class were how positive the environment and how we never had negative comments. Everyone would participate and give their own opinion about what they thought. The videos we watched and how everyone just enjoyed having this class. 
2. Things I didn't like about this class were how some people were just being rude. They would shout out things instead of raising their hand. That's basically it. 
3. Recommendations for improving the class
4. The highlight for me in this class was how Mr.Haymore always had a smile on his face no matter what. He would greet you at the door with such a positive attitude. 
5. I honestly don't think I did my best because I know I could of done better but I didn't. I would always forget my Life Planning Journal and that would affect my grade.
6. Yes, I am reading My Life Planning Goals five minutes daily. I do it at home because that's where I have my motivation which are my parents.
7. I think I am committed to be a CTR person because I like helping other and making them smile. But there are times where I am not CTR person and regret what I do after. It is hard to always be a CTR person because sometimes you just want to wild and have fun.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

The Top 10 Rules for Success by Cristiano Ronaldo

The Top 10 Rules for Success by Cristiano Ronaldo 
1. Just Play
2. Be Competitive
3. Always Take on New Challenges 
4.  Know your Priorities
5. People Will Judge You
6. Work Hard
7. Believe You Are the Best
8. Play for the Team 
9. Enjoy the Moments
10. Have a Sense of Humor

These top 10 rule help the most famous soccer become successful and be the person he is right now. This rules can help me become a better person and be successful in life. If I apply this rules in my life it could help me succeed in the future if I want to be something big. 

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

10 Seeds of Greatness by Denis Waitley

10 Seeds of Greatness 

Image result for Denis Waitley
Denis Waitley

1. The Seed of Self-Esteem (Appreciate the true value of yourself)
"From self-love to self-worth"
Self-Esteem is something that not everyone has. It is when the confidence in one's own worth or abilities; self-respect. This is something important because if you have a low self-esteem everything is always bad for you. And if you have a high self-esteem you're always happy and see the good side to everything. To have a high self-esteem you must love yourself and love everything about yourself. You should never give you on anything. Life is too beautiful for you just to give up on it and give it a try. You should never care about what other people think or say about you because only you know the truth about yourself. 

2.The Seed of Creativity

 "Releasing your creative energy"

Creativity is using your imagination or your original ideas, to create something new or better for the world. There are no limits when you have be creative and no one can judge your creativity. This are your owns that you come with yourself, no else can steal your imagination. It is something unique that you have and that makes you special. Being creative is having fun and being weird. Showing your emotions and ideas. You can't do wrong when being creative. To be creative you need to be passionate and open minded. It allows to make mistakes and be wrong. 

3. The Seed of Responsibility

"Whatever we sow, we reap"
Responsibility is the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone. This is something that requires a lot of trust and responsibility. When you are responsible people see that they could trust you and that you are a honest person. You are always going to be responsible for something you do. You can never escape from responsibility. It is something that you will have for the rest of your life. You are responsible for your own happiness, the way you act, the words you say, the way you choose to live your life. You should always take responsibility for the things you do. You should never blame others for the mistakes you make. 
4. The Seed of Wisdom
"A large vocabulary-which implies broad, general knowledge -characterizes the more successful persons, regardless of their occupations."
Wisdom has two meaning to it the first one is the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise. The second meaning is the soundness of an action or decision with regard to the application of experience, knowledge, and good judgment. This meaning sound the same but they having different meaning it. In life you have to be wise and experience new things. This can lead you to success and to be better person. The things you could to be wise are always ask questions, do deeper research, seek for help and never give up. Wise is key to life. 

5. The Seed of Communication
"Reach out and touch someone"

Communication means the successful conveying or sharing of ideas ans feelings with other people. Communicating with other people helps you meet new people everyday. Communication is very important because it can determine the kind of person you are. It say whether you are a quiet, loud, outgoing, determined, etc person. It could help you come up with better ideas and it is always better to ask what other think. You must always be open minded and honest when communicating with other people. You are always responsible for whatever you say to others.

9. The Seed of Perseverance
"The will to win is everything"

Perseverance is steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.  In other words this means you never give up and you push yourself because you believe that you are a winner. Is when failing something 20 times but succeeding in the 21 try. Being stubborn when you want something. Not giving up when you think you can't do it. Not letting obstacles stop you for getting what you want. No one stops you from succeeding but yourself. Everything doesn't always come out out how you plan the first time. You have to keep trying until you get it. 

10. The Seed of Perspective 
"Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude."
Perspective is the true understanding of the relative importance of things. This means that people should look at things from a different point of view. For example two people could be looking at the same thing but could have different ideas on it. You should live every moment of your life because time is something that could end any minute. Everyone has different perspective depends how they look at things. We all have different ways of viewing things, they are not the same for everyone. 

The 10 seeds of greatness have taught me some great values I could use in my life. Learning these seeds have changed the way I think or how I view things.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

The Ten Tips for Being More Truthful Barbara A. Lewis

The Ten Tips for Being More Truthful
Barbara A. Lewis

Image result for Barbara A. Lewis
  1. Make a commitment to tell the truth.
  2. Tell someone about your commitment.
  3. Think before you give a dishonest answer, explanation, sarcasm, or reason.
  4. Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony.
  5. Be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it.
  6. Don't indulge in little white lies.
  7. Watch out for silent lies.
  8. When you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse.
  9. Talk to yourself.
  10. Treat yourself when you tell the truth.
A. How can they benefit you? 
B. Write a few examples of applying any of the ten tips.
C. Why are the ten tips so important to live?
D. How will you incorporate the Ten Tips into your Life Planning Goals?

This tips benefit me by knowing if I'm truthful to other people or if people are being truthful to me. They can help me become a better person and meet other people. In my life I could apply all of them because I know this can help me be a better person in life. This can help make new friends and have a successful life without having to lie to anyone. I know that this ten tips can help know whether someone is lying to me or not. Many people tend to lie to get something they want but they don't know that people are find out the truth. This ten tips are so important to live this can help you get a job or a college. Being truthful is something that makes you a better person and determines what kind of person you are. 

Monday, April 17, 2017

Spring Break

Spring Break
Image result for rosarito mexicoDuring the spring break I went to Rosarito for 2 days. It's a really nice place to spend time with your family and to have fun. Everything is way different from California, you see a lot of different cultures and people from different places. The food is so good and they varieties of different food. Some people speak a different language and dress differently. The houses are right next to the beach and beach is really nice. The house over there are big like mansions with a big back yard. 
On Sunday I spent time with my family. We ate pizza, played volleyball, laughed, and hid eggs. All of my family was there just having a good time and bonding together. There was little kids everywhere running and screaming. There was a lot of candy and food. My aunts and uncles cracking eggs on each other. 

Thursday, March 16, 2017


Video Summary 
Today in class we watched a video about being honest. They explained that honesty isn't just about not lying but also not stealing, keeping your word, and being on time. They also said that you should never cheat because it's not honest and it's not fair. Cheating is a really bad thing because my people take their time to do something and for others to just copy. This isn't going to take you anywhere in life. In the second video that we watch was about he some college students were trying to cheat when the professor left the room. This brave man stood up and told everyone not to cheat because he had worked to get into that medical school for other just to cheat. He told them that if they didn't put the notes away, he was going to tell the professor. Everyone listened and put the papers away. And the first video it was in high school where they were taking an exam and this girl asked her friend for the answers. The friend told her no and turned around back to her desk.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Pyramid of Success

Pyramid of Success
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John Wooden
Coach Wooden site
The Pyramid

The 25 Building Blocks of the Pyramid of Success

Block 1: Industriousness
"In plain and simple English this means hard work. Very hard work. There is no substitute for very hard work when it comes to success."
When you work hard there is no easy way. You can't achieve anything without actually working hard and not giving up easily. People who have became someone in life have worked very hard in life to be successful. You can't achieve anything by just sitting down and not doing anything. Working hard means giving everything you got. Your time, patience, focusing, and most importantly your energy. Doctors are not successful just by watching TV or waking up one morning and say they're a doctor. They studied hard and give all their free time to practice. 
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Block 2: Enthusiasm
"It is the engine that powers all the blocks of the pyramid. It is why I chose Industriousness and Enthusiasm as the cornerstones of my Pyramid of Success. It is where everything begins."

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 Block 3: Friendship
"Comes from mutual esteem, respect, and devotion. Like marriage it must not be taken for granted but requires a joint effort."
Friendship is where you have people that you can trust and you will have your back. Life is always better when you have someone that you could talk to or that can give you advice. In order to have a long lasting friendship you need trust, respect, and commitment. Real friends will always be there for you no matter what. They will never judge you or back stab you. If you have a truly friend they will stick by your side no matter how many problems you have. They won't give up because they're friends and they never do that.
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Block 4: Loyalty
"To yourself and to all those depending upon you. Keep your self-respect."
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Block 5: Cooperation
"With all the levels of your co-workers. Listen if you want to be heard. Be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way."
Cooperation is helping others to make a better team. Having other people help out makes things better. You also help others in their life and help them be successful. You also tend to help others without asking anything in return and you help without anyone telling you to. When everyone comes together as one team, it makes success.

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Block 6: Ambition
For noble goals.
Ambition is a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work. You have goals in your life you always do your best to achieve then and become successful. In order to have a bright future you must determine to do certain. For example studying late, not going out, doing extra work, etc. You must ambition to get somewhere in life and to become someone. Most people now are so ambition for money so they do anything to have money. They work hard and give things up but they know that later in the future it will be worth it. Sometimes in life you have give up things so later in the future it will condensate you.
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Block 7: Self-Control
"Practice self-discipline and keep emotions under control. Good judgement and common sense are essential."
Self-Control means the ability to control oneself, in particular one's emotions and desires or the expression of them in one's behavior, especially in difficult situations. Before you do something you should stop and thinking about what you're going to do and the consequences it could bring to you. For example you have self-control about doing drugs, smoking, or drinking alcohol. You always have to have self-control because it makes you a stronger person. It makes you a stronger person mentally  and physically. Always think of the consequences that a decision can bring you, it could be good or bad.
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Block 8: Alertness
"Be observing constantly. Stay open-minded. Be eager to learn and improve."
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Block 9: Initiative
"Cultivate the ability to make decisions and think alone. Do not be afraid of failure, but learn for it."
Initiative means the ability to assess and initiate things independently. In other words this means that you are able to do things by yourself without others helping you. If you want something you will now and not later. You do anything to makes things happen. You take responsibilities and time to do it. There isn't a tomorrow for you it happens now or never. It when you do the right thing without anyone having to tell you or remind you. There is two you should remember about this either you do it or you don't. There isn't in between.
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Block 10: Intentness
"Set a realistic goal. Concentrate on its achievement by resisting all temptations. Be determined and persistent."
Intent means intention or purpose. In others words it means what you are planning to do. When you plan to do something you keep trying and never give up. You go through all the obstacles without complaining or whining about it. Never say that you can't do anything always try no matter how many times you fall. Giving up should never be an option for you. Never leave what you could do tomorrow when you could it today. Tomorrow is already too late.
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Block 11: Sincerity
Keep friends
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Block 12: Adaptability
To any situation.
Adapt means that you adjust to any condition or situation. Sometimes adapting to something new can be easy or hard depending on how you take it. Changing things can be good because it can help become a new person or be a better person. For example people that were accepted to an out of state college and you are used to California, you would have to adapt to the new state and everything else.

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Block 13: Condition
"Mental-Moral-Physical. Rest, exercise and diet must be considered. Moderation must be practiced. Dissipation must be eliminated."
Condition means the state of something, especially with regard to its appearance, quality, or working order. You are able to condition yourself to whatever you want. For example if you really want to get into a basketball team you are going to condition yourself to workout and practice making shots. Before you condition yourself you have to condition your brain.

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Block 14: Skills
"A knowledge of and the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals. Be prepared and cover every little detail."
Skills means the ability to do something well. Everyone in this world has skills in somethings. Skills are things that help you get a job or that describe you. You could have all the skills you want but you have to practice to be really good at them. Skills can be describes as abilities or knowledge that you have. Everyday you learn you skills without even knowing. They make you a better person and they make you proactive. 
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Block 15: Team Spirit
"A genuine consideration for others. An eagerness to sacrifice personal interests of glory for the welfare of all."
Team spirit means the feeling of mutual trust among the members of a group, enabling them to cooperate and work well together. Friendship is important to this because if you can't  build a friendship you can't build a team either. As a team you spend a lot of time together with them. When you are in a team you develop a small family with them. You share memories, effort, good and bad times. TEAM stands for Together Everyone Achieves More. 

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Block 16: Honesty
In thought and action.
Honesty is mean you never lie and always tell the truth. You should always be honest with the people around you. Honesty is the best thing you could do to build a friendship or relationship. Very few people are honest and many people don't take into consideration. Being a lair hurts people but being honest always makes people happy. You should always be honest in order have friends and people around you that support you. The only you could earn respect is by being completely honest. 

  1. Image result for honesty

Block 17: Resourcefulness
Proper judgement
Resourcefulness is the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties. You always overcome obstacles and don't let anything stop you from achieving what you want.Start with whatever you have, use anything that might help you, and do whatever it takes to be a successful person. You can never achieve anything without going out of your conform zone. You have to be the first one to take the step. You can not let fear stop you because ten you'll never be successful. 
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Block 18: Poise
"Just being yourself. Being at ease in any situation."
Graceful and elegant bearing in person.
Poise mean when you are graceful and elegant bearing in person. You should always be clam in a situation that you might me be in. It's never good to be nervous or afraid when you are in a difficult situation, it just makes everything worse and you don't help anyone. You should never fight yourself. You should always be yourself in matter where you are or who you are with. People should like you for who your are. No has the right to judge you because no one in this world is perfect. 

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Block 19: Confidence
"Respect without fear. May come from being prepared and keeping all things in proper perspective."
You should always have confidence in yourself. Most people don't have confidence in themselves because they are insecure of what people might think. Confidence is the number thing that makes people see who you really are and what you are capable of. This makes you stronger and better person. You should always pass your limits and never look down at expectations. Confidence boosts your energy and personality to a whole different level. People will see that you are always in a good mood and never think negative. You always find solutions for everything. You never accept the basic you always want the best. 

Image result for confidence how to be more confident

Block 20: Reliability
Creates Respect.
Reliability is the quality of being trustworthy or of performing consistently well. When you are reliable friends and family can count on if anything happens. In life you will always need someone to rely on. When you rely on someone you always hear them out, support them in good or bad, and always give them the best advice they need. A reliable person is trustworthy, respectful, and always positive in life. 

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Block 21: Fight
Determine effort
In life you have to fight for what you want. Things don't magically appear, you have to work  for it and give it everything you have. You never give up no matter how hard the situation is. When you fight for something is because you really want it and you know it will make you happy. To accomplish your goals and dream you have fight, sacrifice, and work hard for it. In a real fight you never give up until you win, that should be same when you dream about what you want in the future. You will fight for that dream until you accomplish it.

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Block 22: Competitive Greatness
"Be at your best when your best is needed. Enjoyment of a difficult challenge."
Competitive greatness is the ability to be at your best when you need it. Your best is required everyday especial when you think you can't take it anymore. Competitive greatness is having passion with what you really love. Is knowing when you have the opportunity to successes. Never giving and always practicing to achieve great things in life. Achieving obstacles that come through your way and set goals for yourself. You always search for best and never set for the less. 
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Block 23: Integrity
Purity of intention
Integrity means the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. Integrity is something you should always have. People will know if you're not with them not. Integrity makes you better person and helps you make friends. This is doing the right thing and knowing whether something is good or bad. No matter what you always have to be honest with yourself and the people around. Having strong morals is something you want to have in order to be someone.  

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Block 24: Faith
Believe and Achieve 
Faith is the complete trust or confidence in someone or something. When you have faith you have more hope and positive attitude. Faith is believing in yourself and that you could do it. There isn't no giving up in faith. Faith is always looking for the positive side and never thinking negative. Being strong and having a good positive vibe. Being thankful about everything and appreciating everything you have. Faith is something only you can convince yourself that have. No one else could tell you that you have faith only you can. You really have to believe that you have faith in order to really have it. For example, my people believe in the faith of God or in the faith of nature. Everyone has different faith. 
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Block 25: Patience

Good things take time. 
Patience is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset. Most people in this world don't have patience they get frustrated very easily and give up on anything they can't do. Everything you do will come out better when you take time and have patience. Everything in life will always be difficult in the beginning but later on it will easy. Never expect for everything to come out to be easy, nothing in life will ever be easy. Patience is something that takes time and a lot of effort so you won't give up easily. People that have patience are successful in their life and career. 
Image result for Patience 

1) How can the building blocks benefit you?

The blocks can benefit me by helping succeed in my future and career. I could apply this blocks when i met new people and start my life as in independent women. Some blocks have changed the way I see life its a whole new perspective. 

2) Which blocks are you applying now?
Right now I am applying friendship, honesty, confidence, and patience. This blocks are something I have always gave up because it something i could achieve. I have never been confidence in myself because I'm secure about myself or about what i do. Patience is the one thing I don't have because I get frustrated very easy but I'm working on that.

3) What difference are the blocks making in your life?
 The block have changed my life of the way I think of things and how to handle some situations. I have learned different ways to be a successful person and view everyone's

4) How will you incorporate the other blocks into your Life Planning plans?

5) How will you pass this information forward? How will you teach the Pyramid of Success to other people?

Friday, January 20, 2017

New York University School of Medicine

New York University School of Medicine
Location: NYU School of Medicine, 550 1st Avenue, New York, NY 10016

Admissions Requirements: 
  1. NYU SOM requires completion of undergraduate study and a baccalaureate degree.
  2. Applicants must have attended an accredited college or university; courses taken outside approved colleges of liberal arts will not be credited toward admission requirements.
  3. All conditionally accepted applicants and alternate-listed applicants will be required to consent to, submit to, and successfully pass a criminal background check through the AMCAS-facilitated criminal background check vendor, Certiphi Screening, Inc., as a condition of matriculation to the NYU School of Medicine.
  4. All accepted applicants must possess physical and mental skills and abilities to successfully complete the NYU School of Medicine curriculum as listed in our technical standards.